axladitsa's playlight
Breathing and revealing, stopping to see,
to be
We look up
and see the delicate play of light on the tops of a forest of olive trees
Nature’s gift to us
Play, she says, twinkling a sunlight invitation
Play with me, see my light, my joy, be in it, sit here by the Agean
toes and skin touching the warm grain of my sands, swim in my healing waters, cold and sharp, awakening you, enveloping you in my embrace
And bring these gifts to each other
Embrace each other’s Light
Love it out of the darkness, peel out your sadnesses
Feel me in you
Swimming and rocking and playing
Let me help you touch your deepest and darkest, let me in so I can touch it lightly,
gently as this delicate purple flower, sturdy by the path,
mixing with the sweetness of sage, the lavender scent of lilac,
green peas ready to harvest, raw
we are opening to you
offering you everything
take what you need, gratefully, willingly
it is all here for you,
it is all already here
help each other to see it
soak me in to your pores, your blood and lungs,
this clean air I make every moment is for all of us,
and the quiet of this patch of tall soft grasses is eternal,
this quiet is in you
so be here, be with yourself and know that I am always here with you
in you
I am you
and we walk the same path of delicate purple flowers, fiercely,
love and light in every step
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